biplane, airplane, plane-74558.jpg


Keep a record of your flights and associated analyses

Automatically record your flights

With Click & Take off for smartphones, you can automatically record your flights.

Put the recorder in standby mode, and the track is recorded only when you enter the runway of an airport, from takeoff to landing.

Nothing could be simpler!

Click & Take off for Android

Application and Tracker

Click & Take off for iOS

Application and Tracker

Find a flight

Find any flight with a search by date, airport, aircraft, and even on comments made about the flight.

Review the details of a flight

The track, flight parameters, and analysis of different flight phases: taxiing, takeoff, flight, landing.

Landing Analysis

Because it is the most delicate moment of the flight, the landing analysis allows you to know your speed, the 5% slope, the actual slope, the touchdown point, the distance traveled before regaining control of your aircraft…

Analyze your piloting skills with the points earned

Each flight earns points based on the number of landings, alerts, visited airports, etc…

Challenge yourself and compare your statistics with your pilot friends.

Concerned about the planet?

You know that our passion generates about 40 kg of CO2 per flight hour (on a Cessna, for example), and you want to do something about it? So do we!

We propose to finance Green Aviation projects together: a portion of your subscription is donated to the ENAC Foundation. The more you contribute, the more we contribute!


Yes, a function allows you to import tracks captured with a flight assistance tool like Airmate, SD-VFR, or others.

Click & Take off captures tracks with a frequency that depends on the flight phase. In the takeoff and landing phase, we need more accuracy for analysis than in the flight phase.

GPS positions are captured every second, while in flight we will be at 5 or 10 seconds.

You earn points according to the following rules:

  • Your track represents a drawing: 200 points
  • You landed for the first time at an airport in the year: 20 points
  • No alerts triggered during a flight: 15 points
  • Trip (different departure and arrival airports): 10 points
  • Landing or touchdown: 5 points
  • Landing or touchdown within 20% of the runway: 5 points
  • Kiss landing: 50 points

Some contests offer the opportunity to win prizes.

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

You can access Click & Take Off from a browser or the mobile application (Android or iOS).

Click & Take Off is partially free. Some features, such as track visualization and flight history, are free.

However, certain features are paid, such as detailed flight analysis.

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

If you leave the tracker in automatic mode, the tracker will remain on standby and will activate when you enter a runway. In standby mode, the tracker consumes almost no energy.

Landing touchdown zone Landing speed and slope Number of flight hours per period Number of landings per period Alert history Analysis of each flight phase And more.

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

Click & Take off is a solution for prevention and self-assessment. Safety is our main concern so that everyone can pursue their passion under the best conditions. Click & Take off strictly avoids surveillance. Each pilot has the option to switch to private mode at any time, and only management-related information is visible to the club. If you use the tracker on your smartphone, you are the only one who can see your track.

The Click & Take Off app includes a smart tracker that you can use at any time. You will have both a club account and a personal account, accessible in the same place.

All your flight history at your fingertips

Download the mobile app and enjoy a free trial period

Free Trial

5 flights analyzed
0 5 flights analyzed
  • All features
  • No credit card required
  • No commitment


Minimum commitment
7,20 per month
  • All features
  • One month commitment
  • Cancellable at any time


Three-month commitment
16 Per quarter
  • All features
  • One quarter commitment
  • Cancellable at any time


CO2 compensation
60 Annually
  • All features
  • 5€ donated to green aviation
  • One-year commitment


CO2 compensation
80 Annually
  • All features
  • 25 € donated to green aviation
  • One-year commitment


C02 compensation
100 Annually
  • All features
  • 50 € donated to green aviation
  • One-year commitment

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